Burkert Type MS02


The device is selectable to measure chlorine or chlorine dioxide in water. It is used within the Online Analysis System Type 8905 by being plugged into a spare fluidic backplane slot. The sensor cube contains a high-precision membrane-covered amperometric sensor, based on microelectromechanical systems technology (MEMS). The measurement signal shows the Cl2 or ClO2 content within the sample water. The chlorine measurement reflects either the available chlorine HOCl or if coupled with an MS01 pH sensor cube for pH compensation, the free chlorine. The electrical and fluidic connections are made via the connection panel of the system. The sensor cube is communicating with the system via büS, allowing a fully automatic login to the online analysis system. If the sensor is plugged into the system, it is included in the list of büS members and further adaptations to customer requirements can be made.

  • Fully compatible with büS systems and a wide range of further analysis sensor cubes
  • Optional pH compensated chlorine measurement
  • Modular sensor cube for hot-swapping (exchange during operation)
  • Minimal sample water flow needed
  • MEMS technology sensor

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Eagle Sensors & Controls, a division of Excel Automation LLC, is an authorized distributor of Burkert products. Contact us with any questions.

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