Tempco Duraband® (Micaband) Heaters – Construction Styles


One-Piece Band Construction

The one-piece construction is available on any screw or lead termination and clamping variation. It can be used where band heaters can be slipped over the end of the cylinder.


Two-Piece Band Construction

The Duraband two-piece construction provides a built-in hinge, making handling and installation easier. It is used on large cylinders or where the heater cannot be slipped over the end of the cylinder. Two-piece band heaters are rated at watts and volts per each half when ordering.


One-Piece Expandable Band Construction

The one-piece expandable construction is available on any screw or lead and clamping variation and can be used where a one-piece band heater would have to be expanded to fit over the barrel during installation, rather than slipped over the end of the barrel.


Type NS: Partial Coverage Band with Built-In Brackets (2 Piece)

Partial coverage band heaters are normally required when holes and cutouts will not allow the heater to sufficiently clear the machine obstructions. The preferred method of construction is the Two-Piece Band Heater with Built-In Brackets as illustrated. The heater is screwed down to the cylinder at the ends and the built-in Low Thermal Expansion Strap pulls the heater tightly against the cylinder being heated. The standard center of hole to the edge of heater dimension is 1/4″. When ordering, please provide the angle of coverage from center to center of the mounting screw holes as shown.


Type PS: Partial Coverage Band with Separate Strap (2 Piece)

The alternate method of partial coverage construction is the One-Piece Band Heater with a separate Two-Piece Strap. The two-piece strap itself is screwed down at the padded ends, allowing the heater to float between the pads as illustrated. When the strap is tightened, it will pull the heater against the cylinder being heated. The standard center of hole to edge of heater dimension is 1/4″. When ordering, please provide the angle of coverage from center to center of the mounting screw holes as shown.


Type NB: Partial Coverage Band with Built-In Strap Clamping (1-Piece)

Another alternate method of partial coverage construction. The one-piece with clamp screws on both sides allows it to be secured to anchor points on either side of a barrel without drilling holes into the barrel.


Type RNB: Reverse Band Construction with Bracket Clamping (1-Piece)

This construction style is used to heat cylindrical surfaces from the inside on heaters 5-1/2″ diameter and larger.


Type RNS: Reverse Band Construction with Bracket Clamping (2-Piece)

This construction style is used to heat cylindrical surfaces from the inside on heaters 10″ diameter and larger.


Type RTWL: Reverse Band Construction with Wedge-Lock Clamping (1-Piece)

This construction style is used to heat cylindrical surfaces from the inside on heaters less than 5″ outside diameter.


Square or Rectangular Shape

Square or Rectangular band heaters are normally used for heating dies on plastic extruders or the barrels of twin-screw extruders. They can be made in either one- or two-piece construction but two-piece construction with Style 1 Clamping (see below) is recommended.


Hexagon Shape

Hexagon-shaped band heaters are used on the hex-shaped portion of the nozzle on injection molding machines. These types of heaters are strictly made to customer specifications with bent-up flange clamping only.

Excel Automation Inc.