Accutherm Finned Tubular Elements

Accutherm Finned Tubular Elements

AccuTherm’s finned tubular heaters are suitable for use in a wide variety of forced air heating applications

The steel units are suitable for applications where the sheath temperature will not exceed 850° F.

For higher temperatures or in applications where corrosion is a problem these can be made in stainless steel or Monel.

Units can be assembled in a frame to provide a compact duct heater.

Because of the greater surface area provided by the heat transfer fins, it is possible to fabricate units providing greater kW capacities, with lower operating temperatures.

Features of the Accutherm Finned Tubular Heaters are:

  1. Seamless steel sheath material.
  2. High purity MgO Powder, compacted to provide maximum heat conductivity and optimum dielectric strength.
  3. Type ‘A’ 80/20 resistance wire sized to provide the lowest wire watt density for maximum life, precision wound to provide uniform heat flux over the length of the element.
  4. The fusion-welded junction between cold pin resistance wire giving superior life.
  5. Bends recompacted to restore MgO density on formed units.
  6. Continuous steel fin edge wound and copper brazed to heater sheath. This provides maximum heat transfer from sheath to fin, without vibration.
  7. Fin and sheath are painted with high-temperature aluminum paint to resist oxidation.

Optional Features are:

  1. Threaded fittings for mounting
  2. Ceramic to metal end seals for high temperature or corrosive environments
  3. Other sheath and fin materials
  4. High-temperature ceramic coating
  5. Custom bracket mountings
  6. Custom terminal options
  7. Also available in smaller diameter units

View all AccuTherm Tubular Heating Elements

Excel Automation is an authorized distributor of Accutherm products. Contact us with any questions.
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