Burkert Type 8400


This intelligent sensor/switch with an extra-large display is specifically designed to monitor limit values or an ON/OFF or continuous control loop. Two versions are available: the 8400 Compact and 8400 for wall mounting. The wall-mounted version must be inserted into a holder previously mounted on a wall, and it must be associated with a remote temperature sensor. The switching points can be programmed with keys directly in the display or optionally with a 4…20 mA standard signal input from an external PLC. As an option, the process value can additionally be transmitted to the PLC (4…20 mA with a 4…20 mA signal). The connection of the 8400 to the process in the piping is made using standard T-fittings with standard connections (G1/2).

  • Indication, monitoring, transmitting, and On/Off control in one device
  • Extra-large display
  • Menu-guided parametrization
  • Complete control loop with external setpoint

View all Burkert Temperature Sensors

Eagle Sensors & Controls, a division of Excel Automation LLC, is an authorized distributor of Burkert products. Contact us with any questions.

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