Burkert Type 8718


Type 8718 is an instrument for liquid flow control in process technology. The measured value provided by the sensor will be compared in the digital control electronics with the predefined setpoint according to the signal; if a control difference is present, the control value output to the proportional valve will be modified using a PI-control algorithm. In this way, the flow can be maintained at a fixed value or a predefined profile can be followed, regardless of pressure variations or other changes in the system. As a control element, a proportional valve working at low friction guarantees high sensitivity and good control characteristics of the unit.

  • High dynamic control through fast flow measurement
  • Applicable for liquid dosing up to 600 ml/min (36 l/h)
  • No moving parts in medium
  • Fieldbus optional
  • Compact version

View all Burkert Liquid Flow Controllers

Eagle Sensors & Controls, a division of Excel Automation LLC, is an authorized distributor of Burkert products. Contact us with any questions.

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