Burkert Type KK01


Optimized for hygienic process technology in the beverage, food, and pharmaceutical industry, control heads, positioners, and process controllers can be combined with all types of pneumatically actuated process valves. In terms of automation concept and field equipment selection, this enables complete uniform solutions, regardless of whether they are hygienic single-seat, double seat, and flap valves or armatures for auxiliary mediums such as steam, water, and cleaning chemicals. This standardization reduces stock and simplifies plant operation by reducing the diversity of devices. Through robust adapters, specifically tailored to all commercially available armatures, control heads, positioners, and process controllers are integrated in a simple and reliable way.

  • Positioner / Process controller TopControl ELEMENT Type 8692, 8693, 8694 BASIC and 8696 BASIC
  • Positioner / Process controller SideControl Remote Type 8792, 8793 and 8791 BASIC
  • Control heads Type 8681 and ELEMENT Type 8690, 8691 and 8695
  • Integrated program for decentralized automation of hygienic process valves and auxiliary processes

View all Burkert Process On/Off Valves

Eagle Sensors & Controls, a division of Excel Automation LLC, is an authorized distributor of Burkert products. Contact us with any questions.

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