Burkert Type S020


The fitting can be used to connect any Insertion device for a measurement in the pipe. e. g. for flow, pH, oxidation-reduction potential (O.R.P), and conductivity measurement. The fitting is available for paddlewheel and electromagnetic flowmeters and analytical measurement devices having a G2” or a clamp connection.

  • Universal fitting for Insertion measuring device in pure, aggressive, or contaminated liquids
  • Large range of process connections: DN06 to DN400 in PVC, PP, PVDF, PE, stainless steel, brass
  • Transmitter available for: – Indication, Monitoring, Transmitting – On/Off control, Batch control

View all Burkert Amaturers for Analysis Sensors

Eagle Sensors & Controls, a division of Excel Automation LLC, is an authorized distributor of Burkert products. Contact us with any questions.

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