Dalton News Letter

Small diameter heaters have small diameter terminal pins into which the lead
wire is crimped.  Generally, this is not a problem because the wattage is not
too high and the amperage is very low.   But if the application requires higher 
amperage-carrying ability or resistance to repeated flexing, larger diameter 
wire must be employed.
When small diameter pins exclude the use of larger gauge wire, the AFX
termination is used.  A tapered pin is used to accommodate the larger O.D.
of the wire and the smaller end is welded onto the terminal pin.
One other benefit of this construction is that the wire is inserted into the termination
with the insulation.  When a wire is crimped into a terminal pin, that crimp becomes
the focus point for any flexing and stress on the wire.  But the AFX termination
includes the insulation and provides support for the wire.  It also displaces the focus
of the stress to a point that includes insulation.
This is an ideal construction if you have a small diameter heater and the need for
higher amperage capacity or protection against finer wire breakage due to flexing
or cycling as in a packaging machine and other sealing operations.


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