Dalton News Letter


Cartridge Heaters Lifespan

How to double the life of conventional heaters

Switching to Dalton Watt-Flex® is the best way to increase lifespan of your

customers heaters and reduce the total cost of heating. Watt-Flex® split

sheath design allows the legs of our heater to expand into the bore and

double the contact area compared to conventional heaters – this unique

advantage allows our heaters to pour more heat into the mold or press

instead of being trapped in the heater.

Inside our Watt-Flex® heaters, coil life is increased because we compress

and compact the coil dielectric so intensely that both heat transfer coefficient

and dielectric strength are increased to support faster heater response and

superior electrical protection. This property leads to driving heat from the coil

to the tool – allowing the coil to run cooler and last longer.

More contact area, faster heat transfer, cooler coil, higher dielectric – when

you add up all the lifesaving benefits, it is no surprise that Watt-Flex®

split sheath cartridge heaters last twice as long or more.

Trust the Dalton Difference to double the life of conventional cartridge heaters

and cut the total cost of heating by a third.

Excel Automation Inc.