Dalton Weekly Newsletter for 09-07-2018

TGID (Thank Goodness It’s Dalton!) Newsletters

Our short and sweet TGID newsletters are emailed every Friday to Dalton distributors. Sometimes you’ll find a write up on a new cartridge heater or platen heater application, and other times you’ll find tried-and-true selling tips. We also take the time to occasionally spotlight one of our many fine Dalton employees.

One thing you will always find in TGID is our Friday Funnies—this is sure to give you an end-of-week chuckle or smile. We invite you to read, learn, and enjoy TGID!


                      Center Groove


Last week we looked at the side groove for the inclusion of a thermocouple with a Watt-Flex®

cartridge heater.  Benefits are replaceability of the t/c, temperature monitoring at the point of

temp. transfer and the ability to look at the temperature anywhere along the profile of the sheath.

There are, however, limitations on side grooving that have to do with the size of the heater.

If the heater is 1/2″ diameter and longer than 7″ or any larger diameter, it must be center

grooved.  This groove will generally extend 6″ into the heater from the terminal end …. the

critical design is that the end of the thermocouple extends into the heated section of the

heater. All needle-type thermocouples to be inserted into a center groove will be .040”



This can be assembled into a header with stainless hose or braid and forms a convenient

package for heat and control.



The thermocouple will still monitor the sheath heat at a location more accurate to the

actual temperature being transferred to the host metal.  Conventional heaters are

restricted to measuring internal coil temperature.

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