Pole Tenons – What Size Do You Need?

In order to securely mount fixtures to a pole tenon, you need to know what size tenon you need. There are various sizes of tenons available with the two most common having a 2-3/8″ or 2-7/8″ outside diameter. The 2-7/8″ tenon is typically referred to as a 3″ tenon.
Traditionally, most slip fitters, bullhorns, and mast arm adaptors require a 2-3/8″ tenon, and these are generally used for area, flood, and roadway lighting applications. Most decorative post top lighting (think acorns, lanterns, spider-mount, etc.) requires a 3″ or larger tenon.
The tenon size required for a particular fixture or mounting is normally found on the fixture or mounting spec sheets from the manufacturer, and should always be used for safety.
DuraGuard offers lighting solutions for both 2-3/8″ and 3″ tenons, and stock both sizes for the 4″ and 5″ square and round poles.