
Continuous monitoring of refrigerant gas leaks from air conditioning units in hotel rooms

Many hotels use high efficiency, high volume refrigerant cooling and heating systems to keep the indoor enviroment comfortable. Guests enjoy rooms that are equipped with air conditioning units where they can relax and enjoy their stay. Air conditioners use refrigerant gas in their cooling operation. A refrigerant leak can occur if the air conditioning unit isn’t performing properly due to wear and tear from continual use, improper operation, inadequate maintenance or any other cause. If refrigerant leaked into the room, it would evaporate into a gas that is harmful for humans to inhale. In addition, a leak can damage the air conditioner components and the loss of refrigerant adds up to costly bills for the hotel owner. Both packaged terminal air conditioner (PTAC) applications and vertical terminal air conditioner (VTAC) applications should be monitored for refrigerant leaks.

  • Life safety system for continuous monitoring of refrigerants in hotel rooms where high efficiency, high volume refrigerant cooling and heating system are used to keep the indoor environment comfortable​
  • Ideal for use with either Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner (PTAC) and Vertical Terminal Air Conditioner (VTAC) applications to meet code requirements​
  • Infrared Refrigerant gas detector in the chiller room, mounted 10-18 in / 25-45 cm off the floor, one detector per chiller


  • Refrigerant​s
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