How to Ensure Airtight Clean Rooms and Isolation Rooms

Does your business house the development of pharmaceuticals, or is it a center for the combat against infectious viruses? In these cases, and anything similar, your business needs to secure complete airtightness and an extremely high safety level.

It is a challenge to design and create cleanrooms, biocontainment rooms, laboratories, isolation rooms in hospitals, and more. Here are 5 things you should be looking for to ensure airtight rooms.

  1.  Select the right materials:

The equipment material types need to be smooth, cleanable, and have low particle emission. Use stainless steel in place of plated or oxide-coated steel to avoid passive particle generation, and always avoid paints.

  1.  Ensure low electrostatic properties:

The material should have low electrostatic properties to prevent airborne particles and microorganisms from binding onto the surface of the equipment. Equipment with a different charge to airborne particles leads to the potential for particles binding through electrostatic attraction, and this presents a risk factor to gravitational, aerodynamic, or adhesion forces.

  1.  Simplify cleaning:

Where primary packaging materials, intermediate or bulk products are exposed to the environment, interior walls, floors, and ceilings should be smooth and free from cracks or open joints. They must not shed particulate matter, but on the other hand, permit easy effective cleaning and disinfection.

  1.  Design without recesses:

Design pipework, light fittings, ventilation points, and other services without creating recesses. Recesses are difficult to clean and maintain. If there must be any at all, they should be accessible from outside the manufacturing areas.

  1.  Seal cable and pipe penetrations:

Cable and pipe penetrations are common leak paths that can decrease positive and negative pressure performance.  Cable and pipe penetrations should be sealed to mitigate air-loss and ensure positive and negative pressure room validation.

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