Panasonic / Sunx CMOS Type Micro Laser Distance Sensor HG-C1000L

CMOS Type Micro Laser Distance Sensor HG-C1000L SERIES

Excel Automation is an authorized distributor of Panasonic / Sunx products. Contact us with sales and application support.

Reduction of the data analysis burdenone small step towards IoT.

IO-Link compatible Collecting sensor level data

Field data collected and accumulated for “preventive maintenance” and “operation monitoring”.
An analysis of such field data requires high-level know-how and time, causing a burden to people responsible for the production site management.
The Self-Monitoring Sensor manufactured by Panasonic is capable of reporting sensor data and its own state to the host device through the I/O Link master.
With the Self-Monitoring Sensor, you can immediately judge the state of the sensor and easily identify the cause of failure. Thus, this sensor contributes to the reduction of the burden experienced by the client in collecting and analyzing data.


Excel Automation