Panasonic / Sunx Compact Size Picking Sensor NA1-PK3

Compact Size Picking Sensor NA1-PK3

Excel Automation is an authorized distributor of Panasonic / Sunx products. Contact us with sales and application support.

Space-saving, pocket lighter-sized unit

Ultra compact size: W24 x H70 x D8 mm W0.945 x H2.756 x D0.315 in.
Can even be mounted within the small space constraints of parts containers.

Space-saving, pocket lighter-sized unit

Utilizes a large, bright, clearly visible job indicator

The ultra compact body incorporates a job indicator approx. 50 mm 1.969 in tall.
Due to its brightness and high visibility, it is now possible to check sensor operation even from a distance.

Utilizes a large, bright, clearly visible job indicator
Excel Automation