Panasonic / Sunx SF2B Specifications

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Type Min. sensing object ø27 mm ø1.063 in type
(20 mm 0.787 in beam pitch)
Model No. NPN output SF2B-H8-N SF2B-H12-N SF2B-H16-N SF2B-H20-N
PNP output SF2B-H8-P SF2B-H12-P SF2B-H16-P SF2B-H20-P
Number of beam channels 8 12 16 20
Beam pitch 20 mm 0.787 in
Protective height 168 mm
6.614 in
232 mm
9.134 in
312 mm
12.283 in
392 mm
15.433 in
Current consumption Emitter:40 mA or less
Receiver:50 mA or less
Emitter:40 mA or less
Receiver:60 mA or less
PFHD NPN output 6.24×10-9 6.44×10-9 6.58×10-9 6.77×10-9
PNP output 6.04×10-9 6.23×10-9 6.37×10-9 6.57×10-9
MTTFD 100 years or more
Net weight
(total of emitter and receiver)
170 g approx. 280 g approx. 400 g approx. 510 g approx.
Type Min. sensing object ø27 mm ø1.063 in type
(20 mm 0.787 in beam pitch)
Model No. NPN output SF2B-H24-N SF2B-H28-N SF2B-H32-N SF2B-H36-N
PNP output SF2B-H24-P SF2B-H28-P SF2B-H32-P SF2B-H36-P
Number of beam channels 24 28 32 36
Beam pitch 20 mm 0.787 in
Protective height 472 mm
18.583 in
552 mm
21.732 in
632 mm
24.882 in
712 mm
28.031 in
Current consumption Emitter:50 mA or less
Receiver:70 mA or less
Emitter:50 mA or less
Receiver:80 mA or less
PFHD NPN output 6.91×10-9 7.10×10-9 7.24×10-9 7.44×10-9
PNP output 6.71×10-9 6.90×10-9 7.04×10-9 7.23×10-9
MTTFD 100 years or more
Net weight
(total of emitter and receiver)
610 g approx. 720 g approx. 830 g approx. 930 g approx.
Type Min. sensing object ø27 mm ø1.063 in type
(20 mm 0.787 in beam pitch)
Model No. NPN output SF2B-H40-N SF2B-H48-N SF2B-H56-N SF2B-H64-N
PNP output SF2B-H40-P SF2B-H48-P SF2B-H56-P SF2B-H64-P
Number of beam channels 40 48 56 64
Beam pitch 20 mm 0.787 in
Protective height 792 mm
31.181 in
952 mm
37.480 in
1,112 mm
43.779 in
1,272 mm
50.079 in
Current consumption Emitter:60 mA or less
Receiver:90 mA or less
Emitter:65 mA or less
Receiver:110 mA or less
PFHD NPN output 7.58×10-9 7.91×10-9 8.24×10-9 8.58×10-9
PNP output 7.37×10-9 7.71×10-9 8.04×10-9 8.37×10-9
MTTFD 100 years or more
Net weight
(total of emitter and receiver)
1,000 g approx. 1,300 g approx. 1,500 g approx. 1,700 g approx.
Excel Automation