Excel Level Control Sensing Solutions

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Sensing, displaying, controlling, & signalling level in a tank


It is common in industrial applications to need a sensor to sense, display, control, and signal the level in a tank.  The challenge is to be able to specify at what level or levels that display, or control should correlate to.  Often, it is advantageous to sense and display more than one level, with the addition of an alarm in the event of the process being out-of-control, e.g., either levels dangerously too high, or too low.


Our Hyde Park sensors are the typically the optimal solution for nearly any type of level sensing and control.  The advantage is the availability of various models with up to 8 meters (26 feet) sensing range.  The sensors are ultrasonic, and essentially treat all reflective media the same, are independent of color of the media, and are optimally suited for a wet, dirty, dusty environment.  The Hyde Park analog models provide an output proportional to the distance to the media in the tank quite precisely.  This analog info is then feed into our digital display, which is scalable, to accurately, display the distance to the media in the tank in whatever units are desired, e.g., feet, meters, gallons, etc. The Digital display has up to four (4) adjustable set-points, where the respective [4] relays are activated corresponding to each set-point.  Using our Werma Signaling device with multiple LED segments, the output of the relays can then visually indicate segments of fill level, e.g., 30%, 60%, 90% filled.  The fourth relay can be made to correspond to either dangerously too high (or too low) a fill level, e.g., 95% filled, or 5% filled.  When this level is reached, the fourth relay in our Digital display can signal an audible/visual alarm of this concerning event.

Net Value to our Customers:

Whether you have an easy, or more challenging type application, give us a call.  Chances are we may have either the sensor and/or the experience to solve it.  Excel Automation, and Eagle Sensors & Controls, have years of experience, and are application-oriented Authorized Distributors of numerous products for Industrial Automation, and LED Lighting.

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