Roxtec WaveGuide Seal ES protects beyond limits

Is your sensitive communication equipment protected from electromagnetic threats? The increasing use of unshielded fiber optic cables in the digitalization era calls for inventions – such as the Roxtec WaveGuide Seal ES.

Roxtec’s ground-breaking solution for non-metallic fiber optic cable entries combines proven waveguide technology with certified sealing performance. It provides extreme electromagnetic shielding effectiveness while protecting against fire, gas, and water.

Roxtec offers a shielding seal that ensures an attenuation of a minimum of 100dB at 18GHz even in the worst-case scenario. It is the ideal seal for everything from labs and data centers to military applications.

Common Applications:

  • Critical infrastructure
  • Laboratories
  • Data centers
  • Military applications

Exceeding HEMP Requirements:

The Roxtec WaveGuide Seal ES is a penetration seal designed for routing of non-metallic fiber optic cables into a shielded enclosure while maintaining the enclosure’s electromagnetic integrity. The waveguide seal is a high-performance product protecting electronics from electromagnetic threats such as EMP and HEMP and way beyond such requirements.

Protection against multiple hazards:

  • Electromagnetic threats
  • Fire
  • Gas
  • Water

Attachment by Welding or Bolting:
The Roxtec WaveGuide Seal ES is available in versions for welding or bolting to the structure. The sealing modules adapt to different sizes of fiber optic cables and can be used to build in spare capacity in the transit.

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