Sensing & Control System – Configure a Part Number

Example Part #:   LEV – 1 M – 2 – 0

System function:
LEV: Level Sensing
CTG: Counting
RAT: Rate/speed/RPM
ROL: Roll Diameter

Sensing ranges:
1F: up to 10 inches
1M: up to 1 meter (39 inches)
8M: up to 8 meters (26 feet)

System Level:
1: Basic system, monitoring only; no outputs
2: Monitoring + [4] programmable set-points & [4] relay outputs
3: (Level 2) + 3-tier LED visual + [1] audible or visual alarm signaling

Wireless communications:
0: (none)
1: Wireless remote signaling; Reflect System modules
2: Wireless MDC/Machine Date Collection System*; software-based
3: (Level 2) + Counting module
4: (Level 2) + Control module
5. (Level 2) + Counting module + Control module

* MDC System has free software; up to 50 machines are data- logged; e-mail or smartphone notification of events.

Excel Automation offers customer, pre-wired level control system for sensing, monitoring and controlling the level of liquids ( liquid level control ) and solids in a tank or hopper. Wireless control & signaling options.




Excel Automation