Shroud Systems – Electrical Terminations

Power Input Terminal Box

Power Input Terminal Box with 7/8″ dia. K.O. for 1/2″ conduit


Type T7: Stud Termination with Ceramic Insulator

Ceramic insulator is the same diameter as the heating element. .260″ diameter heater has 6-32 screw terminals. .315″ diameter heater has 8-32 screw terminals. .430″ diameter heater has 10-32 screw terminals.


Type T: Stud Termination with Mica Insulator

Mica insulator is the same diameter as the heating element. .260″ diameter heater has 6-32 screw terminals. .315″ diameter heater has 8-32 screw terminals. .430″ diameter heater has 10-32 screw terminals.


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