Werma’s Modular Stacklight Overview

Industrial automation uses signaling devices to advise maintenance personnel of the operational status of machinery.  The basic forms of signaling are audible, visual, vocal, and combinations thereof.  Where audible can get attention, it is relatively limited in what it can communicate, through different frequencies and durations of sound.  Some facilities limit or prohibit the use of audible signaling since when used in mass, the overall workplace can be deafening.  In facilities where the manufacturing process itself if loud, as in a canning plant, the ambient sound level may compete with or surpass that of the most aggressive audible signaling devices.  The problem is that in extremely high ambient noise level manufacturing, the employees wear protective headphones, so both the ambient, as well as the audible signaling, are attenuated.

The use of visual signaling devices contributes no sound to the ambient, and due to the availability of different colors, and different functionalities, e.g., permanent, blinking, flashing/strobing, and flickering (random flashing), different machine statuses can be communicated over a large area.

The traditional stack light consists of a fixed stack of between 2-5 traditional colors, where the colors and their functionality are fixed.  If the application changes or needs to be upgraded from permanent or blinking to flashing or flickering, that requires a new stack light.  If one element within the fixed stack light fails, the stack light has to be replaced.

Werma understood this limitation, and over 30 years ago, introduced their Modula Stack Light System.  Each “element” within the stack light nests inside the next, to achieve up to 5 active elements within a single stack light.  The color and functionality of each element can be different, and can be easily upgraded, replaced, or eliminated as the need arises.  If only 1 or 2 elements were existing, additional elements can be added.  Each Werma element affixes to the stack, or is removed from the stack with a simple twist.  Wiring for each element is internal, and automatic upon attachment.

For the Werma Modular Stack Light Series, each element is purchased separately, and combined with an appropriate base for various mounting configurations, and a terminal element where all wiring for the stack is easily connected.  Of course, the Werma Modular Stack Lights can combine visual, audible, and vocal elements.

Excel Automation / Eagle Sensors & Controls are Authorized Distributors for Werma signaling devices.  Contact us for technical, application, or sales support.

Excel Automation