DuraGuard Explosion Proof Fixtures

DuraGuard’s HLF25Q Flood light and HLP15Q Surface & Stanchion mount are C1D2 Hazardous Location Explosion Proof rated fixtures. Perfect for industrial, oil, painting, manufacturing, and auto facilities applications.

HLF25Q Flood Light
Wattage: 132w
Lumens: up to 15,000 delivered lumens

HLF25-Q-LD-D SpecSheet

HLP15Q Surface & Stanchion Mount
Wattage: 57w
Lumens: up to 9,000 delivered lumens

HLP15-Q-LD-D SpecSheet

C1D2 Guidelines:

Class 1, Division 2 – Enclosed and Gasketed
– Sealed to prevent the hazardous atmosphere from entering the fixture’s interior
– Internal components engineered to radiate less heat
– “T” ratings are measured on the inside so that if a hazard is accidentally released into the atmosphere and reaches the inside of the luminaire, it will not ignite assuming the luminaire’s “T” rating is below that of the hazard

– Oil & Gas processing and storage
– Refining and Petrochemical
– Painting and finishing
– Concrete processing plants
– Tunnel lighting

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