Panasonic / Sunx Pulse AC Method Area lonizer ER-X

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Massive ion discharge when using air reduces charge removal time

By applying a compressed air source, the ion volume increases providing an improved tact time for substrate ionization. This makes the ER-X suitable for applications such as electronic paper and thin film solar cells, where charge removal time is directly linked to productivity.

Prevents dust dispersion and cleanliness degradation!

The ER-X series can effectively remove surface charges with an air pressure of less than 0.05 MPa. With the advantage of minimal dust dispersion, it is suitable for charge removal in semiconductor, FPD (mobile panel), and other applications that require high degree of cleanliness. The presence of air also helps prevent adhesion of dust to the discharge needles, requiring less cleaning than in the airless charge removal mode.

Pulse AC method for faster charge removal

The ER-X series has adopted the pulse AC method that alternately applies positive and negative voltages to each discharge needle. This enables generation and discharge of a large amount of ions, resulting in faster charge removal. Select from eight pulse frequencies according to your application, from 100 Hz for charge removal on nearby or moving workpieces to 1 Hz for charge removal on far-away workpieces or in a threedimensional space.

Pulse AC method for faster charge removal

Automatic ion balance control

The ER-X series provides an automatic ion balance control mechanism that senses the amount of ions being generated (which changes according to environmental factors) and compensate for this deviation in the controller, thus maintaining a highly stable ion balance as an original operator setting.

Automatic ion balance control


Excel Automation