Panasonic / Sunx Ultra-slim Photoelectric Sensor EX-10S

Amplifier Built-in Ultra-minute Photoelectric Sensor EX-Z

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Alleviates interference without slits, allowing close-spaced installation

With about half the light diffusion of previous models, narrow-beam models can be placed twice as closely together-without the added cost of purchasing and installing slits.

Alleviates interference without slits, allowing close-spaced installation

Detects minute objects with a diameter of just 0.5 mm 0.020 in, without slits [EX-11S□]

With about half the light diffusion of previous models, narrow-beam models can detect minute objects with a diameter of just 0.5 mm <span class=”inch”>0.020 in</span>, without slits.
These models provide a reasonably-priced solution for applications requiring detection of minute objects.

Detects minute objects with a diameter of just 0.5 mm 0.020 in, without slits [EX-11S□]

Long-range sensing at 1 m 3.281 ft with a narrow-beam [EX-19S□]

Narrow-beam models deliver long-range sensing at 1 m 3.281ft.

Application Example:Detecting PCB rack

Long-range sensing at 1 m 3.281 ft with a narrow-beam [EX-19S□]

Excel Automation