Tempco Sensor Accessories

Tempco carries miscellaneous thermocouple and RTD hardware accessory items including, bayonet adapters, terminal blocks, various plugs and jacks, thermocouple and RTD extension assemblies, sensor heads, and insulators.

Bayonet Type Adapters:
Bayonet Type Adapters are used in conjunction with spring-loaded bayonet cap type thermocouples. After inserting the thermocouple sheath through the adapter the spring is compressed and locked by the cap, pushing the sensor against the surface being measured.




Open Disc Terminal Blocks:
The open disc terminal blocks are available for both single and dual element thermocouples or single-element RTD assemblies. Available in two different materials. Silicone glass/fiber has a higher resistance to vibration and thermal shock than do the ceramic discs.




Pipe Clamp Adapters:
Pipe Clamp adapters place the sensing junction tight against the surface being measured for increased accuracy and faster response time. Pipe Clamp adapters permit thermocouple placement without the drilling and tapping of holes to attach the adapter.




Quick Disconnect Plugs and Jacks:
Plug and jacks are offered in 2- or 3-pin configurations with either hollow or solid pins in standard or miniature sizes. Body colors correspond with ANSI calibrations. High temperature and ultra-high temperature options are also available.




Plastic Melt Bolts:
Plastic melt bolts accept 1/8” diameter thermocouple. Blank bolts are used to seal hole if thermocouple is removed from an extruder.





Plug and Jack Accessories:

Plug and Jack Accessories include adapters for adding armor cable, mounting brackets and other options to protect the thermocouple connection.




Protection Tube Mounting Parts:
Protection Tube Mounting Parts are pipe fittings and flanges used to mount and secure ceramic and metal tubes.





RTD Extension Assemblies:

Used to extend the distance between the RTD and the controller using a calibrated or a less expensive extension wire.






Screw Terminal Barrier Blocks:
Can be used to prevent the creation of EMF voltages that will cause an error in the temperature reading.






Sensor Heads:

Available for wet and hazardous locations. Contain a terminal block to connect sensor.






Sensor Mounting Fixed Fittings:

Sensor Mounting Fixed Fittings are sometimes necessary for the installation of thermocouple and RTD probes. The two basic fittings are hex bushings and hex nipples.


Thermocouple Extension Assemblies:

Used to extend the distance between the thermocouple and the controller using a calibrated or a less expensive extension wire.

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