Large Selection of Light Columns

LED Light ColumnsLights. Columns. Action. Be the star of the show with DuraGuard’s LED Light Columns. Create premier paths and walkways with these towering luminaires.An All-Star CastDuraGuard’s cast of LED Light Columns offers many design styles: Contemporary, Modern, Architectural, Nautical, and Traditional. Our LED Light Columns are diverse, each offering a unique design style and versatility. This cast includes: Side Light, Round Light, Sculptor II Square, Sculptor II Round, Sculptor I Square, and Sculptor I Round Columns.Luminaire FamiliesEach LED Light Column is a part of a luminaire family, feature a unique family design style. Pair our LED Light Columns with matching fixtures today, and achieve a uniform design throughout your project!

Spec Sheets:
Side Light Column Spec Sheet

Round Light Column Spec Sheet

Sculptor Round Light Column Spec Sheet

Sculptor Square Light Column Spec Sheet

Sculptor II Round Light Column Spec Sheet

Sculptor II Square Light Column Spec Sheet

Sculptor Round and Square Light Columns

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