Excel Automation is an authorized East Coast Sensors distributor. Contact us with sales and technical support.
- Melt Bolt Type (TK1)
- Adjustable Melt Bolt Type (TK2)
- Blank Melt Bolt (TK3)
- Melt Bolt w/ Rigid Extension (TK4)
- Elliptical Tip Melt Bolt Type (TK5)
- MI With Lead Wires (TL1)
- Rigid Type (TM1)
- Semi-finished (TM2)
- MI with Compensated Mini Terminal Block (TM3)
- MI with Connection Head (TN1)
- MI Replacement Element (TN2)
- Coffee Roaster w/ Connection Head (TN4)
- MI Nipple Union w/ Connection Head (TQ1)
- MI with Coil Cord (TW1)
- Multipoint Thermocouple (TMP1)
- Hot Runner Style (THR1)
- Hot Runner Style w/ Round Washer (THR2)